University of Oregon

Radical Democracy

This is the third panel of the Radical Democracy Conference held at the New School for Social Research (NSSR) on April 4, 2011.

Chair: Chiara Bottici, NSSR
Discussant: Gerasimos Karavitis, NSSR
Discussant: Juan Pablo Ferrero, University of Bath


"Interrogation vs. Interpretation: Speech, language and the moment of autonomy" -- Marina Kaneti, Department of Politics, The New School for Social Research

"Political Relationship as Politics and Democracy in Ranciere's 'Ten Theses on Politics'" -- Mykolas Gudelis, Department of Politics, The New School for Social Research

"Fragments of Democracy in a World in Fragments" -- Victoria Briggs, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London

"Rethinking Carl Schmitt's Radical Democratic Theory" -- Sam BenMeir, Department of Philosophy, The New School for Social Research

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