University of Oregon

Compassion/Violence Anne Dufourmantelle, philosopher, psychoanalyst, author and publisher, talking about hospitality under compassion and violence. In this lecture, Anne Dufourmantelle discusses the gesture of hospitality in terms of foreigners and host countries which turns the idea of hospitality into a political event; she also discusses the difference between the foreigner and the Other, Jacques Derrida's law of hospitality, the etymology of hospitality, hostility and host, the host as potential enemy, illegal immigration, absolute hospitality, exchange, Emmanuel Lévinas and true hospitality, Michel Foucault, hospitality and madness, Wilfred Bion and wild thoughts giving hospitality to madness, the right to belong somewhere, hospitality as an experience (épreuve) rather than concept, hospitality as the pre-condition to life - the mother's womb, hospitality and death and the experience of mourning, the question of border and limit, Jan Patočka's night of hospitality, societal laws of hospitality and the foreigner, Thomas Moore's Utopia, the political utopia's placelessness opening the possibility of human cosmopolitanism, utopia's acknowledgment of the other, creating time for hospitality, the semantic constellation of hospitality, the test, murder and hate, the crypt, hospitality as an event, hospitality under the violence of radical ethics, and unconditional hospitality. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2011. Anne Dufourmantelle.

Anne Dufourmantelle, Ph.D., is a French psychoanalyst, philosopher, publisher and author. Dufourmantelle studied medicine and philosophy for two years in Paris and completed her doctorate at Paris-IV University (Sorbonne). Her thesis was entitled "La vocation prophétique de la philosophie" (The Prophetic Vocation of Philosophy) with studies on Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Emmanuel Lévinas and Jan Patočka. It was published some years later by Les Editions du Cerf and received the Académie Française for philosophy. During Dufourmantelle's studies at the Sorbonne, she had the opportunity to study Humanities at Brown University with Georges Morgan. She translated Nelson Goodman's Language of Art, and wrote an essay on "The Structure of Appearance," which would lead her, upon returning to France, to teach a seminar on Aesthetics and "thinking architecture" at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris, La Villette for five years. This experience also drove her to publish some dialogues between architects and philosophers, such as, for example, between Christian de Portzamparc and Philippe Sollers or between Jean Baudrillard and Jean Nouvel. She then went on to direct a collection of nonfiction books in the field of philosophy as a publisher for Calmann-Levy. Dufourmantelle studied with Jacques Derrida as well as Vaclav Havel, Julia Kristeva, Antonio Negri, and Peter Sloterdijk, among others. After leaving Calmann-Levy, she continued working with Stock, under which she produced the collection "L'autre pensée" - again in the field of philosophy - publishing thinkers like Slavoj Zizek, Noam Chomsky, Jacques Derrida, and Avital Ronell. The collection also features texts by Theodor Adorno and Rabaté, as well as some texts in psychoanalysis, literature studies, anthropology, and sociology.

Anne Dufourmantelle is the author of several books, among which in English are Of Hospitality: Cultural Memory in the Present (with Jacques Derrida), Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy, and more recently, Fighting Theory (with Avital Ronell).