University of Oregon

Justice and Future Generations

Philosophers' Café Series

Winter 2012 Theme: What's Justice Got to Do with It?
Epicurus: Justice was never anything per se, but a contract, regularly arising at some place or other in people's dealings with one another, over harming and not being harmed.
Aristotle: The just is the proportionate.

When something is taken to be a matter of justice, we hold that considerations of fairness and equity are in play concerning what is to be done, and these may override the fulfilment of our various particular projects, no matter how desirable they may be. What do these considerations amount to? Why should we think they are important? In what sort of situations do they rightfully play a role in our deliberations? Can they under certain circumstances rightly be dismissed? After looking at some philosophical theories of justice, we will think about some particular areas where people often say justice matters but easily differ on what justice demands.

Justice and Future Generations
Animateur: Jennifer Welchman (Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta)
31 March, 2012 1:00-3:30 p.m.
