University of Oregon

Liberal Democracy

Panel Two | Crises and dilemmas of democracy -- diagnoses and prospects

Chair: Ulrich K. Preuß, Professor Emeritus, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
Jürgen Habermas, Professor Emeritus, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt
Philippe Schmitter, Professor Emeritus, European University Institute, Florence
Wolfgang Streeck, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne, and University of Cologne

Liberal Democracy in Hard Times: Transitions, Dilemmas, and Innovations | Symposium in Honour of Claus Offe

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The Hertie School of Governance is a private university based in Berlin, Germany, accredited by the state and the German Science Council. It prepares exceptional students for leadership positions in government, business, and civil society. Interdisciplinary and practice-oriented teaching, first-class research and an extensive international network set the Hertie School apart and position it as an ambassador of good governance, characterised by public debate and engagement.